Be a Sponsor

Educate, engage, and generate business opportunities from the corporate segment.
3,5 million people in Singapore spend their 60% of waking time working. Leverage on the power of workplace marketing to engage the B2B or B2C affluent segments throughout the ESG Wellness Series Sponsorship platform with exposure to 600, 000 employees, and 700+ companies (leverage on) B2B and B2C.
Are you interested in engaging the corporate segment but lack the network and manpower for corporate outreach? Consider becoming a sponsor of the ESG Wellness Series. Partner with our sponsorship and workplace marketing specialists at ESG, where we customize sponsorship activation plans based on your needs across multiple touchpoints.
Benefit from access to our captive corporate audience and the ESG Wellness Series Community.


Sponsors & Partners Testimonial
“ESG has provided me and my team the opportunity to connect with many interesting companies and generate leads via the Corporate Onsite Talk activities. Through the onsite talks, we were able to build genuine connections and convert some of the leads into our clients. The tangible results in terms of increased conversion rates with 50% contactability rate, 15% meet up rate and 5% sign up rate for Onsite Financial Talk reaffirm our decision to partner with ESG.”
“ESG is communicative, professional, client-focused towards our needs, and is a competent virtual events specialist. Special mention to the team, their diligence and responsiveness has made the event planning a seamless experience.”
“ESG has afforded my team and me the chance to connect with numerous esteemed companies through the Corporate Onsite activities. The onsite talks and spinal screenings have significantly broadened our corporate wellness offerings, resulting in increased sales for chiropractic vouchers. Our key performance indicators reflect a voucher purchase ratio ranging between 8-10%, voucher redemption rates averaging between 70-85%.”
“We find the ESG Virtual Wellness Series a powerful channel to educate working professionals on common diseases related to men’s health and how early detection is key to survival with treatment. We are pleased that the event generated a lot of interest and heartened by the fact that 94% of the record 507 local and regional registrants enjoyed the event and 97% found the content helpful. Besides the awareness campaign, this opportunity surprisingly also generated 5 interested registrants for screenings and consultations which is very rare from speaking for a virtual talk event.”
“We find the ESG Virtual Wellness Series a powerful channel to educate working professionals with company and personal insurance on heart health issues. We are pleased to generate a lot of interest through these two events. We are also very heartened by the fact that 94% of the record 2,055 local and regional registrants found the content helpful and close to 75% will contact us in future if need arises.”
“Our sponsorship for ESG Virtual Wellness Series provides our agency force consistent stream of high quality and active leads of working professionals based in Singapore.
Enterprise Sports Group (ESG) has done a great job in organising and managing 3 very successful events with good quality leads. It was a pleasure working together. Thank you ESG Team, in particular Charlene for making everything fuss-free for us and ensured that we met core deadlines and covered all the fine details.”
For more information
Top Reasons To Become A Sponsor
Drive Interest to your business